The Analogue collective proposed a project that consisted of creating a system for FreshGold SA, a south African based global export company. The objective of this system was to eliminate an issue within Freshgolds file system and automate a predominantly manual process.  

Freshgold SA needed a system in place that would allow their employees to convert EDI files which are the text-based documents used to capture information about their pallets, into an excel spreadsheet to edit with ease; these files are used to generate the addendum to export certificate, which is the necessary information and documentation required about each fruit pallet to receive an approved export certificate. 

During this project, we discovered that FreshGold relies on manual processing to capture data which is a time consuming and tedious task, Freshgold also has two different types of employee roles that perform different tasks in the handling of their documentation and data capturing. 

We decided to build a web-based application to solve this business problem, the application allows a FreshGold employee to register and log-in as a user. If the employee is a Freshgold documentation clerk they will be able to upload EDI files to the system, as well as download and delete previously updated files. If the employee is a FreshGold shipper, they will be able to export these files into a pdf or excel format to edit and then re-upload the edited file to the system. The web-application also stores these files on a local drive and database which can be accessed by the user.  

In conclusion the system built for FreshGold SA was a success and we hope it can be used to pilot a change in FreshGolds business process and help automate their current manual processes.  



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