Open Box is a global software development consultancy firm that operates in the Real Estate industry and serves clients mainly in the US and the UK. Open Box is struggling with its current Outlook-based boardroom-booking system as it lacks efficiency and usability. Employees are unable to easily book a room on the go as they currently can only make bookings from their desktop or laptop. Employees need insider knowledge about the capacity and technologies available in the meeting rooms to ensure they book a room that fulfils their meeting needs.


Open Up’s objectives include increasing Open Box employees’ productivity and performance by providing a more efficient, easy to use, meeting room management software. It increases Open Box’s accessibility, allowing employees to book meetings in a variety of ways, on the desktop or mobile application. Open Up simplifies the booking process by reducing the number of steps to make a booking, thus increasing Open Box’s output and employee’s satisfaction. 


Open Up enables employees to make instant bookings using QR Codes. An employee scans the QR Code outside a room, views the schedule, and books the room if it is available. Open Up allows employees to instant book a meeting room from the home page when they urgently require privacy from the open-plan office. It also enables employees to make a booking using filters, including time and the technology or capacity required, which significantly benefits employees who do not know the intricacies of Open Box’s meeting rooms. Open Up allows employees to plan their days using the scheduling feature. The system provides real-time updates of an employee's schedule and displays it in an easy to understand manner. Open Up shows an employee's upcoming meetings and any meetings that they have been invited to but not yet accepted. The in-meeting functionality enables employees to send notifications to late attendees and extend meeting bookings.


According to Open Box, “There’s always a better way.” We believe that we have found a better way to manage their meeting rooms: Open Up!


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