The system our team has developed is a web-application for the company Carenet. 

Carenet started in 2016. The company noticed a need in the market for a platform that connects carers and care seekers. The aim of Carenet is to take care of people, with a focus on lower income people. The company has been inactive since its inception and is only starting up now again. The company also seeks to create a safety net for both parties by having some sort of paper trail tracking initial interactions between users.

The application we have developed is a platform which facilitates the connection between carers and care seekers. Carers can post job posts advertising their services and in turn receive email responses from interested care seekers. Carers can also search for job posts, filtering by the specific care type they offer, to apply for jobs.

Care seekers can create job posts specifying the type of care they need and receive applications from potential carers. Care seekers can also send job offers to carers through the post’s carers have created.

Carers first need to be approved by the system before they can use it and receive an email notification once approved.

All initial communication must be done through the platform and Carenet receives an email of the initial correspondence as well.


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